We’re Here to Help

At Cervis, we’re proud to offer the best customer service in the industry.

Our team of experienced and dedicated professionals are highly-trained and knowledgeable about all of our products and how they perform. Whether you need technical assistance, an installation walkthrough, or have questions about a product, we’re here when you need us.

This includes direct access to our tech support team through our dedicated support phone number, 724-741-9010 and via email at service@cervis.net. Our techs are available by phone to troubleshoot issues and answer system installation questions during our standard business hours of 8:00 am – 4:30pm ET.

We also have after hours support available between 4:30 pm and 11:00 pm. Weekend support is available as well, but it must be scheduled in advance.

Our team of customer service and repair associates are extremely diligent in the processing of returns and repairs. Our ISO9001 certification requires that we monitor and measure the effectiveness of our service and repair processes. Our commitment to this standard adds significant value for our customers.

We strive for  7-10 day turnaround time for our repair evaluations and all estimates are provided via email. Expedited service is available for an additional fee of $100. Expedited service moves your repair request to the front of the line for evaluation.

Once you receive your repair report, please respond to Cervis within 10 business days and ALWAYS reference your RMA number in any communications.

Cervis Exchange and Repair Programs

These valuable service offerings reduce downtime for repairs. Our Enhanced Repair program offers a higher level of repair service and preventive maintenance to address other issues before they become critical. The WARRIOR HH2S Exchange program allows customers to return out of warranty WARRIOR HH2S remotes in need of repair to Cervis to be exchanged for a fully refurbished unit. (Does not apply to Cervis SmaRT products)

Enhanced Repair Program

Cervis technicians will repair the issue, perform a complete inspection of the remote, and replace any visibly worn components, adding another level of reliability. This includes a 90-day “bumper to bumper” warranty on all work performed, not just the requested repair

WARRIOR HH2S Exchange Service

HH2S Remotes: $344
HH2S Tandem: $494

Cervis will accept damaged WARRIOR HH2S units and quickly ship a fully refurbished replacement unit. This expedited exchange reduces downtime and includes the added value of a full 90-day bumper-to-bumper warranty on the exchanged item.  This program applies only to WARRIOR HH2S units that are out of warranty.

SmaRT Handheld Flat Rate Repair Service

SmaRT 2, 4, 6, and 10-button handheld remotes are now repaired for a simple flat rate of $283. Please add $32 to evaluate a base unit in addition to the SmaRT Handheld remote. 


All prices show above are list prices.  

If you have equipment in need of service or repair, please click 
724-741-9000 • info@cervis.net