SmaRT HH-6P / 6D Series Transmitters
Proportional Control with Force Sensing Pushbuttons.
The HH-x6P-LED or HH-x6P remote control unit has individual ON and OFF buttons and six proportional control buttons. The remote control has an automatic shutdown timeout – a period after which the remote turns itself off to conserve power if no function buttons are pushed. Each proportional button can be assigned to provide standard or customized activation of base unit outputs. This allows for maximum flexibility while programming to interface with the wide array of available SmaRT base units.
SmaRT wireless high-power HH-x6D handheld remote control units are used to communicate with and control SmaRT base units operating in the 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz ranges. Handheld remotes are available as:
- PTO—push-to-operate that powers on when any button is pressed
- DO—uses a single button as a dual-function ON/OFF button (which button is used is factory configurable in custom applications)
- OO—uses individual ON and individual OFF buttons (which buttons are used is factory configurable in custom applications)
- Direct-line-of-sight communications up to 650 ft. (~200 m)
- Six proportional buttons (6P); Six (maximum) LED Indicators
- Removable rubber bumper and detachable lanyard or belt clip
- Rugged polymer enclosure; compact weatherproof design